Appendix A: Program Codes
The control supports EIA RS-274D part programs. An EIA RS-274D program lists the sequence of Lines, Arcs, Speeds, Kerf and I/O Functions used to create a part. While the user is free to program in EIA using the standard text editor, it is recommended that the ShapeWizardâ Graphical Programming environment be used instead.
Following is a list of the EIA codes that are directly supported, mapped, or currently unsupported by the control. Mapped EIA codes are automatically converted upon program load into directly supported EIA codes. Unsupported EIA codes are ignored. All other EIA codes will generate an error.
Directly Supported EIA Codes
Fvalue Machine Speed (if Speed Override enabled)
Nvalue Line Number
( text )Comments
Xvalue X Axis Endpoint or other Data
Yvalue Y Axis Endpoint or other Data
Ivalue I Axis Integrand or Part Option Data
Jvalue J Axis Integrand or Part Option Data
Ovalue Svalue Output (1-64), State (0-Off or 1-On)
Wvalue Svalue Wait for Input (1-64), State (0-Off or 1-On)
G00 Rapid Traverse Linear Interpolation
G00 Avalue Sets Tilt angle as a preparatory command – A is the angle value in degrees
G01 Linear Interpolation (at Cut Speed)
G02 Clockwise Circular Interpolation
G03 Counterclockwise Circular Interpolation
G04 Preset Dwell (uses Setup Dwell Time)
G04 Xvalue Program Dwell in Seconds
G08 Xvalue Repeat Subroutine X Times
G20 Select English Units (inches)
G21 Select Metric Units (mm)
G40 Disable Kerf Compensation
G41 Enable Left Kerf Compensation
G42 Enable Right Kerf Compensation
G43 Xvalue Kerf Value
G59 D1-200Xvalue Sets kerf table variable from 1-200
G82 Oxy-Fuel Cut Mode
G83 Oxy-Fuel Cut Mode Contour Bevel Head
G84 Plasma Cut Mode
G85 Plasma Cut Mode Contour Bevel Head
G90 Absolute Programming Mode
G91 Incremental Programming Mode
G92 Set Axis Presets
G97 Program Repeat Pointer
G97 Tvalue Program Repeat Pointer. Executes the repeat T times
G98 Repeat at G97, or start of program if no G97
G99 Part Options
M00 Program Stop
M01 Optional Program Stop (uses Setup Parameter)
M02 End of Program
M07 Cutting Device On
M08 Cutting Device Off
M09 Enable Marker 1
M10 Disable Marker 1
M11 Marker Offset 1 On
M12 Marker Offset 1 Off
M13 Enable Marker 2
M14 Disable Marker 2
M15 Cut On
M16 Cut Off
M17 Oxy Gas On
M18 Oxy Gas Off
M19 Cancel All Stations
M26 Station Select On
M27 Station Select Off
M28 CBH / Rotator Disable
M29 CBH Rotator Enable
M30 End of Program (same as M02)
M31 Reset Functions (Cut Off, Marker Off, Kerf Off)
M37 Tvalue (1-8) Select Station 1-8
M38 Tvalue (1-8) Deselect Station 1-8
M40 Start of Subroutine
M40 Xvalue Start of Subroutine. Executes the repeat X times
M41 End of Subroutine
M50 Height Sensor Disable
M51 Height Sensor Enable
M52 Height Sensor Disable and Raise Torch
M53 Height Sensor Enable and Lower Torch
M65 End of Program (same as M02)
M72 Marker Offset 2 Off
M73 Marker Offset 2 On
M75 A Axis/Tilt Go to Home Command – Rapid Index
M76 C Axis/Rotate Go to Home Command – Rapid Index
M79 Tvalue (1-4) Go To Home Position ( 1-4)
M90 Aligns CBH / Rotator to Tangent angle of next cut segment
M274 Marker Offset 3 Off
M275 Marker Offset 3 On
M276 Marker Offset 4 Off
M277 Marker Offset 4 On
M278 Marker Offset 5 Off
M279 Marker Offset 5 On
M280 Marker Offset 6 Off
M281 Marker Offset 6 On
M282 Marker Offset 7 Off
M283 Marker Offset 7 On
M284 Marker Offset 8 Off
M285 Marker Offset 8 On
Mapped EIA Codes
G04 Fvalue Program Dwell G04 Xvalue
G05 Set Axis Presets G92
G21 Linear Interpolation G01
(at cut speed)
G22 CW Circular Interpolation G02
G23 CCW Circular Interpolation G03
G41 Kvalue Left Kerf with Value G41 with Kerf Value
G42 Kvalue Right Kerf with Value G42 with Kerf Value
G97 TValue Subroutine Loop G08 Xvalue and M40
G45 Lead In to Kerfed Part G01, G02, or G03
G70 Select English Units G20
G71 Select Metric Units G21
G98 End of Subroutine Loop M41
M03 Cutting Device On/Off M07 or M08 as appropriate
M04 Cutting Device On M07
M05 Cutting Device Off M08
M06 Cutting Device Off M08
M06 Enable Marker 2 M13
M07 Disable Marker 1 or 2 M10 or M14 as appropriate
M08 Enable Marker 1 M09
M09 Disable Marker 1 or 2 M10 or M14 as appropriate
M10 Enable Marker 2 M13
M14 Height Sensor Disable M50
M15 Height Sensor Enable M51
M20 Cutting Device On/Off M07 or M08 as appropriate
M21 Cutting Device On/Off M07 or M08 as appropriate
M20 Output 9 On O9 S1
M21 Output 9 Off O9 S0
M22 Output 12 On O12 S1
M23 Output 12 Off O12 S0
M24 Wait for Input 7 On W7 S1
M25 Wait for Input 8 On W8 S1
M25 CBH Enable M29
M26 Wait for Input 7 Off W7 S0
M26 CBH Disable M28
M27 Wait for Input 8 Off W8 S0
M67, M02 Kerf Left G41
M68, M03 Kerf Right G42
M69, M04 Kerf Off G40
M65, M70 Cutting Device On M07
M66, M71, M73 Cutting Device Off M08
M70 Marker Offset 1 Off M12
M71 Marker Offset 1 On M11
M70T01 Marker Offset 1 Off M12
M71T01 Marker Offset 1 On M11
M70T02 Marker Offset 2 Off M72
M71T02 Marker Offset 2 On M73
M70T03 Marker Offset 3 Off M274
M71T03 Marker Offset 3 On M275
M70T04 Marker Offset 4 Off M276
M71T04 Marker Offset 4 On M277
M70T05 Marker Offset 5 Off M278
M71T05 Marker Offset 5 On M279
M70T06 Marker Offset 6 Off M280
M71T06 Marker Offset 6 On M281
M70T07 Marker Offset 7 Off M282
M71T07 Marker Offset 7 On M283
M70T08 Marker Offset 8 Off M284
M71T08 Marker Offset 8 On M285
M98 End Comment )
M99 Start Comment (
M221 No Mirror, No Rotate G99 X1 Y0 I0 J0
M222 Mirror Y, No Rotate G99 X1 Y0 I0 J1
M223 Mirror X and Y G99 X1 Y0 I1 J1
M224 Mirror X, No Rotate G99 X1 Y0 I1 J0
M225 Mirror X/Y on -45 Deg G99 X1 Y270 I1 J0
M226 Rotate 90 Deg CCW G99 X1 Y90 I0 J0
M227 Mirror X/Y on +45 Deg G99 X1 Y270 I0 J1
M228 Rotate 90 Deg CW G99 X1 Y270 I0 J0
M245 Output 1 On O1 S1
M246 Output 1 Off O1 S0
M247 Output 2 On O2 S1
M248 Output 2 Off O2 S0
M249 Output 3 On O3 S1
M250 Output 3 Off O3 S0
M251 Output 4 On O4 S1
M252 Output 4 Off O4 S0
M253 Wait for Input 1 On W1 S1
M254 Wait for Input 1 Off W1 S0
M255 Wait for Input 2 On W2 S1
M256 Wait for Input 2 Off W2 S0
M257 Wait for Input 3 On W3 S1
M258 Wait for Input 3 Off W3 S0
M259 Wait for Input 4 On W4 S1
M260 Wait for Input 4 Off W4 S0
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